Morning Prayer
Protect, Lord, this family for whom Jesus Christ your Son agreed to die.
Panleve, Paris 63

Nest of the Turtledove Image of the Heart of Jesus, spouse and faithful friend of our souls.
Solitary, in its nest, the chaste dove in peaceful rest experiences the sweetness: there, kind Jesus, the pure and faithful friend finds in your Sacred Heart the asylum of happiness.
of the Soul
Happy the state of the heart in which Divine Love reigns. Alone, the pure souls united to Jesus taste the ineffable delights.
Bonamy, Poitiers
Love Search. Lord, who sought me when I fled from you, will you flee me now that I look for you!
There, recollected and alone, in the bosom of Jesus I lose myself. Letaille

...I am the friend of purity...I am He who gives all comfort and all holiness...I seek a pure heart and make it the place of my repose...
Ch. Letaille, dir. pl. 17 E. Boumard,edit. Paris
Lift up your soul to God, and you will find rest.  
Prayer is the elevation of the soul to Heaven.
To be remembered in your prayers would give me happiness.
Morning and evening prayer
dispose our heart to the action
of Grace.